
Music Pedagogue, Bachelor of Culture and Arts

A music educator’s degree qualifies you to work in a variety of teaching and instruction tasks or as a musician or entrepreneur, or in the field of cultural well-being. The studies aim at competence that is in demand in working life.

The Music Pedagogue (Bachelor’s Degree) education at Jamk University of Applied Sciences includes degree programmes in Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy and Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being, which are applied to separately. You can also apply to both at the same time.

The studies of the degree programme in Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy aim at strong musical and pedagogical competence. We educate experts in both classical and pop/jazz music, and from us you can graduate as an instrument teacher, a voice teacher or a choir director. You can apply with your own instrument – we don’t have instrument-specific quotas. In your studies, you will develop your practical musicianship and acquire extensive knowledge of the music industry, as well as improve your ability to apply your skills in the changing operating environments. Instrumental studies, ensemble music making, music perception and conducting subjects, as well as other studies that support creativity offer a robust foundation for the development of your professional skills.

The degree programme in Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being focuses on music pedagogy for different ages and groups, and on the well-being effects of culture. In addition to the instrumental studies, you will delve into the study of accompanying instruments, band fundamentals, music perception and creative music making, and expressive arts. You will develop the creative and expressive skills needed in a wide-ranging goal-oriented and long-term art education. You will get the competence required by today’s working life for instructing diverse groups of different ages and you will deepen your understanding about the possibilities of cultural well-being and its effects in different areas of society.

Music pedagogue studies are practical, and the various intensive courses, projects and joint productions at the Finnish Music Campus – such as operas and musicals – make working life a natural part of your studies. As a student of the Music Campus, you can participate in cross-studying at the University of Jyväskylä and the Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia.

Both degree programmes are in Finnish. Read more about the education at www.jamk.fi/musiikki (in Finnish) or contact the study services for more information.

Contact information
Tiina Kangaspunta, Study Affairs Coordinator
+358 (0)40 351 8355